Friday, May 21, 2010

Exodus, -42 days

I have been observing both sides of the issue about the repeal of don't ask, don't tell. First and foremost, why in the world is it such an issue in modern society of what you do in your own home. In this society of tweets, blogs and facebook wall posting, we have really lost all sense of privacy and respect for said privacy, but that is another blog, another time. On year long deployments you learn a lot about your platoon mates and yet it seems that people act like every little thing is their business just because you are around each other every day of the week. I honestly feel that we put too much emphasis on that instead of the mission, or if something does happen in the company over half the other companies in the battalion know. I understand why and do agree with most of the reasons for the repeal of the policy. Firstly, asking some one to lie about themselves is going against the beliefs of all the branches, such as honesty, and integrity. A lot of the opponents are using really weird reasons, such as barracks set ups, showers, and, god forbid, a chaplain having to marry a same sex couple. These reasons were the exact same ones used by opponents of women serving and blacks being integrated into the military, and yet those are not even issues now. Even then, gays and lesbians and everything in between still choose to serve along side their straight brothers and sisters in the armed forces. They have been sharing showers, been sharing rooms, living side by side, fighting side by side, dying side by side. Blood spilt is still blood spilt, regardless if it is Black, Asian, Laotian, Samoan, White, Hispanic, European, Gay, Straight, Lesbian, Bisexual. The Armed Forces currently have regulations in place protecting every one from sexual harassment and assault, that does include same sex attacks. There I just smashed two reasons to bits, because when it comes down to it, straight or gay, I don't want to know what you did last night, how you did or any details, beyond I got some. Another reason opponents keep using is that it is not religiously right. Since when is our military ran by a religious organization, because it is not. An order is an order, to be followed without question, and if a leader has an issue with any order, let them leave the service, we need leaders who can adjust with the times. Lastly, do the mission, respect your fellow service members, and keep it in the bedroom.

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