Sunday, October 10, 2010

sorry for the break

I have been back in the states for a few months now, being reminded again of why i don't socialize much with people around me. Not that they are bad people, i just feel that people are so damn insecure over incredibly illogical things, such as people's sexuality, their religious beliefs, the way other people dress, the way other people talk, the people that people choose to hang out with. I though America was supposed to be non judgmental, not this society in which people automatically judge based you because you have tattoos or piercings, just like i know an infantry officer who is wicked smart, but I also know a signal guy that is dumb as a brick, and that is giving the brick some credit. I know this is a retread of earlier posts, but it just seems America needs to catch up with a lot of the world. Instead of focusing on violence like we seem to in american culture, we need to focus on peace and love, but those don't make money.

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