Monday, October 25, 2010

Gay suicides

Honestly, this whole recent trend of GLBTQ deaths is very disturbing, and makes me wonder a lot of things and brings up parts of my past I really don't talk about. The first thing I wonder is where are these people's support groups and why did no one do anything to help them. The ones that are still in school, mainly high school and middle school, the school officials should be brought to stand on trial as to why they just let what happened to this kids happen. The dude that recorded his room mate making out with another guy, fuck you man, that shit was his business not yours. Not always does it get better, but my god you can make it better, or you can make it worse. You make it better by being stronger, being above the masses that try to tell you are wrong for being happy and being you. All the people that are being negative towards you are trying to do is bring you down to their level or lower to make themselves better, because obviously they are not happy being themselves or comfortable for that matter. When ever some one drags you down, stop them because and pick yourself up off the ground, because some one in this world loves you, it might be your whole family, a good friend, a great group of friends, or it might be that one true love. Suicide is a selfish act and cowardly, just don't do it. But on the flip side, you know how you make it worse, by giving in to the negative venomous attitudes of the haters. Giving in only makes them happy, gives them power over how you react, lets them control you. It does get better, but only if you make yourself happy and not let the negative people around you control your life, take control of your life, you can't control other people.

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